How to read and display an image using matlab?

How to read and display an image using matlab

Reading an image

way -1:

The simplest way to read an image is to store the image in the current directory (workspace) of Matlab and then use the function imread as follows:

img = imread('baby.jpg');     %% where baby.jpg  is the name of the image

%% the image data has been stored in the variable 'img'


Alternatively if the image is in a different directory one can use the imread function by specifying the total path of the image

for example:

img= imread('F:\matlab\baby.jpg'); %% reads from the folder matlab

Displaying an image

The command to display images is as follows:

imshow(img);   %% will show the image

The problem here would be that the image would replace the current open image (if any).

For this it is better to use :

figure, imshow(img);   %% will open the image in a new window

here figure is taken the default value of current number of figure. if you want you can also assign the number as follows

figure(2), imshow(img);

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