what are the advantages and disadvantages of C programming language?

Advantages of c  programming language

  • C Language is a CASE SENSITIVE language.
  • Reusablility: Programs written in C can be reused. You can save your C programs into a library file and invoke them in your next programming project simply by including the library file.
  • Readability: C Programs are easy to read.
  • Maintainability: C Programs are easy to maintain.
  • Portability: C Programs are portable across different computer platforms by just recompile them according to the relative operating systems.
  • Learnability : You don’t have to remember many C keywords or commands before you start to write programming in C.
  • Major parts of popular operating systems like Windows, UNIX, Linux is still written in C.

Disadvantages of  C  programming language

  • C is not Object Oriented Programming Languages(OOPL) that’s why C++ comes into existence to overcome the disadvantages of C language.
  • There is no runtime checking in C language.
There are some concepts that are not present in C language:
  • Constructor
  • Destructor
  • Namespace and and other OOPS features ( Inheritence, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction etc).
  • There is no strict Type Checking  i.e , when we pass an integer to an floating point type variable.

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